Battle Warriors — Vikings of ETH upcoming mint!

Battle Warriors of ETH
6 min readFeb 24, 2022


We are days away from the launch of our first faction,Vikings of ETH! Launching 2/27/2022 at 3PM EST 1,111 warriors with randomly generated traits and hand created images.

Example Viking warriors that will collectors and players can mint

First its important to note that Battle Warriors is building a play-and-earn franchise. This means players don’t just buy characters and that’s it, every warrior you collect is customizable and usable in a variety of different ways.

After mint, item chest will become available and then the armory will open allowing you to equip and unequip items and create custom warriors.

For this launch we generated the traits for each 1,111 Viking warriors randomly and then our lead artist Ragnar created the images by hand based on those traits to make sure the images are of the highest quality.

loop of different warriors after being customized

Basic Traits → things every Viking warrior will have

For these Vikings Warriors there are a few basic traits they all have.
1. Gender
2. Skin Tone
3. Belt
4. Gloves
5. Boots
6. Shirts
7. Pants

Lets Start with Gender and Skin Tone, all warriors are either Male or Female with Fair, Medium or Rich Skin Tones

Gender and Skin Tone trait counts
Example of Male and Female Vikings of different Skin Tones

Next is Belts this is the trait with the least variation, in Item Chests there will be upgraded belts and armor but for now this is the break down for the mint.

Belts traits, the most basic trait with the least variation

Gloves and Boots are another simple trait for launch that will have higher levels available in Item Chests and in the future. For now each has 3 basic leather colors and MIGHT have fur in those same colors, here is a break down of the Gloves and Boots will have very similar counts.

Gloves break down, Boots will be very similar and extra notes on matching sets
Freya with Boots, Gloves and Shoulders that all match and showing the different Cloaks

Up next we have Shirts, Pants and while not every warrior has one Cloaks. Here is where we get to “Powered” items, in Battle Warriors we start with a “basic” version of the items and they can be “powered” by the 9 Stones of Power these are great for customizing warriors visually but they also serve as a way to boost your warriors “Stats” for the game side of the project.

Shirts, Pants, and Cloaks
Gif of Kara a Viking with all matching gear for each of the Powers

Now we get to the more Optional or Special Traits

These traits have much more variation
1. Helmets
2. Hair Styles
3. Face Paint
4. Facial Expressions
5. Extra Armor
6. Main and Off Hand Weapons
7. Backgrounds
8. Banners
9. Ranks and Rank Points

Next we look at some of the different Helmets, Expressions, Hair Styles, and Face Paint there is some mixing of Genders here that sometimes have the same traits but its a good breakdown of what to expect.

Break down of all the different helmets and styles
all different helmets that male Vikings might have

During this mint we have our alpha armor items and Extra Armor going forward there will be new items and these will be upgrade-able

Lets talk weapons, warriors will be able to hold 2 weapons at a time one in the Main Hand and the other in their Off Hand. Weapons break down into a few categories:
1. Swords
2. Spears
3. Daggers
4. Hammers
5. Claws
6. Bow and Arrows
7. Shields

Each of these categories has a few different options and some have two handed weapons such as Large Axes or Powered War Hammers. For this mint there are 79 Different Main Hand Weapons your warrior might have listed below.

main hand weapons

And here we can see the Off Hand weapons, this is where you can carry shields and most off hand weapons are smaller weapons, down the road you’ll be able to break two handed weapons and dual wield them but not yet.

Most of the different basic weapons

Another interesting trait is the Background this really gets split into 2 categories, Locations and Powers. Powers are purely visual, they offer players an ability to customize their warriors and make they look how they like. Locations are actually usable, they will unlock levels and mini games so players will want to collect as many as possible.

all different backgrounds

Another special Item are the “Alpha Banners” in the future players will be able to create and join their own clans but this upcoming mint is the only way to get an “Alpha Banner”. These banners will earn their holders passive Treasure tokens and there are a few different versions.

Finally we get to what makes Battle Warriors so unique! Ranks and Rank points. Battle Warriors is an expanding universe, this mint is for Vikings that are equipped and have a rank but after this launch you can mint a free Trainee that you can then rank up and make stronger. For this faction and mint here is the Rank and Rank Point break down.

Example High King and Trainee

So that’s that for Vikings of ETH mint traits and rarities break down, new FAQ guide coming soon but if you have and questions or want to learn more come join us on Discord and you can always follow me on Twitter at

