What’s in a Rank?

Battle Warriors of ETH
4 min readNov 30, 2021


Battle Warriors Vikings of ETH isn’t just about cool looking Vikings, its about empowering players to completely customize and level up their warriors.

High level “Thane” HafFJIERN the Bleak! and “Trainee” Freya the hopeful.

Players will need to think about how they equip and boost their warriors based on the quests and games they want to use them in. Based on Rank Points (RP) each warrior will have a Rank which is like their level, below is a list of Ranks with the needed number of RP’s to achieve that rank.

Vikings of ETH warrior “Ranks”

  • Gods……………………….. 2,000,000 RP’s
  • High Kings and Queens………100,000 RP’s
  • Thanes…………………………. 25,000 RP’s
  • Berserkers and Valkyries………..7,500 RP’s
  • Marauders………………………..2,500 RP’s
  • Viking……………………………..1,000 RP’s
  • Barbarians…………………………..200 RP’s
  • Trainee………………………………..50 RP’s

As you can see from above “Trainees” will start with 50 RP’s and need to get 150 more RP’s to reach the level of “Barbarian”.

Example for a “Trainee” that has leveled up and reach the Rank of “Viking”, shows how players can create powerful warriors even when they start out as a Trainee.

Stepping back you can see that “Rank Points (RP’s)” are determined by the Warriors underlying stats. Each Warrior has 10 base stats:

  1. Health
  2. Accuracy
  3. Strength
  4. Magic
  5. Attack
  6. Defense
  7. Critical hit chance
  8. Luck
  9. Agility
  10. Stamina

So what determines each stat? Each warrior has a base of 5 in each stat for a total of 50 RP’s, from there “equipped items” and “Rank Point Increases” (which can be earned from quests, or in item chests and allows player to increase the stats of their choice) can be used to level up your Warrior.

Lets take a look at available items at launch.

There are thousands of different combination you can use to build the best Warrior and below is a list with most of the equip able items available at launch, some are hidden to be revealed later, and each item that is “Powered” has 9 variations which corresponds to the 9 “Stones of Power”.

As you can see, there are 4 categories of rarity: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary (there may or may not be Mythic items as well but that’s for later). Each of these items will provide an increase to the Warriors base stats, and each item can be leveled up by combining multiples of the same items to provide a greater increase and extra “Rank Points” which lets players pick which stats they want to increase.

Item Levels:

  • Common → up to level 9
  • Uncommon → up to level 7
  • Rare → up to level 5
  • Legendary → up to level 3
  • Mythic → up to level 2 (more information on mythic items later)

More ways to Rank up!

After minting your Warrior, getting some items from chests and equipping them, the next best way to make your Warrior stronger is through quests and mini games. In these “quests” and “games” your Warrior will earn “Treasure” and “Experience” (EXP), EXP can be swapped for “Rank Points” (RP’s) once you have enough which will let you chose what base stats you want to increase giving more control to the player. Finally there are very rare items that will provide boosts across ALL of your warriors, like a morale boost, we will have a post dedicated to these Mythic items in our final post before launching.

Quests and Games will be looked at more in the next Article when we look at the “Arena” along with more information about items, equipping and unequipping when we look at the “Armory”. Following that article will be a post covering our “Viking Treasure” token and “Staking”.

And as always if you want to learn new information first join us on discord here https://discord.gg/492JJPpYsb where you can get on the whitelist and win giveaways!

